7 Tips to increase your chances of finding a job thanks to your CV!

And easily implementable
It is common knowledge that although a well-crafted CV could be your ticket to getting that job of your dreams, the problem is that most employers only spend a few seconds on each CV before tossing it in the "Yes" or "No" pile. The question now is how do you make sure your cv ends up on the top of the "yes" pile? Read on to find some tips that can help you.


1. Talk about yourself

You have probably been asked at the beginning of an interview to “talk about yourself”. In fact, you can already answer this in your CV by writing a short introduction about yourself in 2 or 3 sentences. You should not talk about your experience, but rather about your personality or your career aims.

2. Make it keyword friendly

In today’s modern job market, keywords are essential. Especially if you’ve uploaded your CV to a job site. Keywords are what help recruiters find you in the massive onslaught of CVs they might receive. Consider adding job titles and relevant buzzwords to your CV so that the search engine picks out your CV from the rest. For example, if you are applying for a job concerning digital marketing, it would help if you mentioned SEO (Search Engine Optimization) among other details among your skills, to help the search engine flag your CV and move it to the “yes” pile.

3. Well written

Perhaps a basic suggestion, it is nevertheless an important one. When your employer scans your CV, any mistake you might have made could send you directly into the “No” pile. For this reason, you need to make sure your CV is well-written and as error-free as possible. Avoid generic phrases like ‘hardworking’ ‘organized’ ‘team player’ etc and instead provide achievements that prove these skills. Try to use active words whenever you can, this depicts you as a person with initiative. And above all, make sure you have no spelling or grammar errors.


4. Try to be original with your interests

Many people put “travel” or “sports” when it comes to describing their interests. Instead, having original interests can help you to differentiate from the others (obviously without lying). A good example can be “yoga teacher”, if that is the case. Many recruiters are indeed looking for distinctive CVs, and the difference may be here.

5. Tailor it

We all know how tempting it is to mass send a generic CV to numerous employers to save time and effort. However, this is a mistake. You should take some time and research the organization you are applying for, and edit your CV to fit the exact requirements of the job. This will not only help you seem more qualified but also prove your dedication to the prospective employer.

6. Don’t leave gaps

Now, we know that the covid-19 pandemic has disrupted everyone’s careers and caused us to have gaps in our career history. However, recruiters don’t like to take any chances and any obvious gaps on your CV immediately cause suspicion. But don’t worry, there is always a way to spin your gap in a positive manner. Include any courses, (online or otherwise), internships, or volunteer work you have attempted during this time to help gloss over the gaps in your CV.

7. Keep your CV updated

Lastly, it is crucial that you keep your CVs updated regularly, as explained in this blog article from LinkedIn. Take time to review and add any new skills or experiences you might have gained. This shows your drive and initiative and will often impress employers who are looking for someone dedicated to growth and learning.


It is clear that the job market can be very competitive, both from the perspective of employers looking for talent and from the perspective of people looking for a new job and trying to stand out among all the people in the same situation. For them, it is important to seize the best opportunity at the right time and it is clear that a good CV is the first step to standing out and leaving a good impression on their potential future employer.
Digital Marketing Manager
Pierre Barmaverain
With a solid background in marketing, Pierre enjoys working in the digital sphere. His diverse and varied skills bring real added value to our projects.